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The Quadraspire SVT Wall Bracket is manufactured with Bamboo and provides a rigid support for your main source component. The brackets consist of a back plate with 2 arms that have holes for locating the adjustable spikes and allows for precision levelling of the shelf. The Bamboo wall support, which is available in black or silver, can hold a component up to 40 kilos.
For the Bamboo wall bracket we have developed a new spike assembly based on the design of the Bronze upgrade - one in Aluminium and one in Bronze. Clamping of the shelf is critical to performance but results in quite a tall spike assembly taking up more space than is necessary. Using the Bronze upgrade design we have been able to reduce the height and thereby the mass and improve performance as well as rigidity. Again all of this has been achieved through R&D and extensive listening tests using the tried and tested technique of tuning by ear in the same way as the finest musical instruments are developed. The main design features of the Wall bracket spike assembly are the SVT curve design of the top bolt and the rounded spikes that together encourage any residual mechanical resonance to flow and dissipate more easily.
BAMBOO: Natural, Cherry, Dark Oak and Black. Black or Silver Feet are Standard. Wall and bottom portions are black.
PLEASE indicate post and shelf finish preference in the check out notes.